Fix Common Issues with Research Guidance Feature of Legacy

Research Guidance Feature of Legacy

Are facing issues using research guidance in legacy family tree? then don’t worry; you are in the right place. Here you will know how to deal with issues like script errors in legacy. So start reading and resolve your problems!

Research Guidance is Missing in Legacy

It’s been relocated. It can be open in three different ways.

  • From the Tools menu”Select Tools”.

 Legacy Family Tree

  • The Research Guidance screen will then open after selecting “Other Tools” > “Research Guidance.”

Research Guidance is Missing in Legacy

  • Click the “Research Guidance” symbol in the Husband or Wife box from Family View.

Research Guidance is Missing in Legacy

  • Right-click the “Husband or Wife box” in Family View, then choose “Research Guidance” from the option that appears.

 Legacy Family Tree

Script Error: Research Guidance in Legacy

In Research Guidance, if you encounter a Script Error, click the “No button” five or six times until the warning disappears. Although the Script Error is annoying, Research Guidance will function normally if you click past it. You can avoid the Script Error by doing the following actions.

1. Even if you use a different browser to access the internet, make sure that Internet Explorer is install (and up to date) on your computer. Since Internet Explorer comes pre-installed on Windows, it ought to be present. For functions like Internet searching and Research Guidance, Legacy Family Tree uses Internet Explorer as its internal browser.

2. Click the Tools button (the gear button) in Internet Explorer, then choose Internet Options.

3. Next, Press the Reset button after selecting the “Advanced tab”.

4. Disable script debugging (Internet Explorer) and Disable script debugging (Other) should be checking on the Advance tab. Select “OK” and “Apply”.


Hopefully, after following these steps, you can do your research without script errors and research guidance missing in Legacy. If the problem is still not resolved, check your Internet Explorer settings or contact the Legacy Family Tree help number at +1-800-697-1474; you can also live chat with our experts.


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